9,955 research outputs found

    Sternes réprises en Côte d'Ivoire au cours des derniers hivernages des années 1969-1970-1971-1972-1973

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    Data are reported on: (1) date and place of ringing the juveniles and adults of the sea bird of the genus Sterna in Côte d'Ivoire, and (2) date and place of recapture during the winter periods of 1969, 1970, 1971, 1972, 1973

    The Clash of Civilizations: a Myth?

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    “The Clash of Civilizations” adalah sebuah metafora kontroversial yang berkembang di politik global pasca perang dingin. Diperkenalkan oleh Samuel Huntington, metafora tersebut menyarankan bahwa politik dunia mengalami konfigurasi ulang yang “fault line” antara budaya menggantikan batasan politik dan ideologi sebagai “flashpoint krisis dan pertumpahan darah”. Tujuan dari artikel adalah untuk mengkaji secara kritis proposisi dan asumsi teoretikal yang menguatkan tesis. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa proposisi tidak berdasar dan asumsi teoretikal dibalik argumen kurang dapat dipercaya. Ini memperdebatkan bahwa “clash of civilizations” merupakan mitos belaka

    A review and comparison of efficient flooding schemes for on-demand routing protocols on mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs)

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    Since the basic components of ad hoc wireless networks are mostly battery-operated portable devices, power conservation is one of the central issues of such networks. Power-conservative designs for ad hoc networks pose many challenges due to the lack of central coordination facilities. Existing on-demand routing protocols perform route discovery by flooding the network with a query message requesting a route to the destination. Flooding is used because of its simplicity and greater success in finding the best route between the source and destination available at that time of route discovery. However, as flooding involves querying all reachable network nodes, frequent flooding can rapidly deplete the energy reserved at each node. In addition to consuming significant portions of the available network bandwidth. Further, as the number of communicating nodes increases, more congestion, contention, and collisions can be expected. This paper reviews and compares approaches for optimizing bandwidth efficiency of route discovery, where several efficient flooding schemes have been presented based on different techniques to solve the problems related with the traditional blind flooding

    Richesse floristique des glumiflores de Grand- Bassam (Côte d’Ivoire°)

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    Objectif: Étudier la diversité floristique des glumiflores de la zone côtière de Grand-Bassam.Méthodologie et résultats: L’étude de la diversité floristique des glumiflores de Grand-Bassam a été possible par la mise en place des placettes de 100 m2 dans divers biotopes du milieu d’étude. Cette méthode a permis de caractériser la flore du littoral ivoirien. Cette flore comprend 260 espèces appartenant à 105 genres et 40 familles botaniques. Sur l’ensemble de ces familles, 5 sont dites prépondérantes car elles renferment à elles seules 77,30 % des espèces recensées. Ce sont : les Cyperaceae, les Euphorbiaceae, les Fabaceae, les Poaceae et les Rubiaceae. Les glumiflores sont présentes avec 171 espèces (65,76 %) appartenant à deux familles (Poaceae et Cyperaceae). L’étude floristique parcellaire indique que le milieu côtier et le milieu inondé sont moins pourvu en espèces avec respectivement 6 ± 4,39 ; 6,12 ± 4,12.Conclusion et application des résultats: L’étude floristique des glumiflores montre la richesse floristique impressionnante de ces espèces dans la zone côtière de Grand- Bassam. Sur la base des résultats et observations obtenus, nous recommandons la conservation des écosystèmes côtiers compte tenu de l’utilité de ces espèces. En effet, les services écosystémiques rendus par ces glumiflores à la population de Grand.Bassam notamment: les services de régulation, d’approvisionnement, ontogéniques et socio-culturels fournissent des biens dont les populations riveraines peuvent profiterEnglish Title: Floristic richness of the glumiflores of Grand-Bassam (Côte d'Ivoire °)English AbstractObjective: To study the floristic diversity of glumiflora in the coastal area of Grand-Bassam.Methodology and results: The study of the floristic diversity of Grand Bassam glumiflora was possible by placing 100 m2 plots in various biotopes of the study environment. This method allowed to characterize the flora of the Ivorian coastline. This flora includes 260 species belonging to 105 genera and 40 botanical families. Of all these families, 5 are said to be predominant because they alone contain 77.30% of the listed species. These are : Cyperaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Fabaceae, Poaceae and Rubiaceae. Glumiflora are present with 171 species (65.76%) belonging to two families (Poaceae and Cyperaceae). The plot floristic study indicates that  the coastal environment and the flooded environment are less filled with species with respectively 6 ± 4.39 ; 6.12 ± 4.12.Conclusion and application of results: The floristic study of glumiflora shows the impressive floristic richness of these species in the coastal area of Grand-Bassam. On the basis of these results, the conservation of the coastal ecosystems is recommeed taking into account the utility of these species on well-being and the ecosystem services rendered by these glumiflores to the population of Grand Bassam

    Distribution Geographique De Radopholus similis

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    Une enquête faunistique sur la cohabitation de deux nématodes endoparasites migrateurs : R. similis et P. coffeae, a été réalisée dans le Sud-Est de la Côte d\'Ivoire. Sur chaque site, l\'unité de production représentée par un carré de culture de 2 à 3 ha a servi de base pour l\'échantillonnage des racines à raison de 10 bananiers/carré. Les résultats de 699 carrés de culture ont montré que la cohabitation de R. similis et P. coffeae initialement localisée à Ayamé-Aboisso, s\'étend désormais à six nouvelles localités réparties entre les régions de Moyen Comoé (Abengourou), de Sud Comoé (Bassam), de l\'Agnéby (Agboville, Azaguié) et des Lagunes (Tiassalé, Vallée du Niéky) ; soit 50,2 % des aires totales cultivées en banane dessert en Côte d\'Ivoire. Dans la localité de Bassam où P. coffeae est plus abondant que R. similis, la durée de vie des bananiers pour 89 % des carrés, n\'excède pas quatre ans de culture continue. La typologie des carrés de culture a fait ressortir d\'une part la position dominante des bananeraies de 1 à 3 ans (67 % des exploitations) et d\'autre part la présence erratique des carrés de 10 ans qui représentent 2 % des exploitations. Ce déséquilibre en faveur des jeunes bananeraies a été discuté.Survey of two migratory endoparasite nematodes : R. similis and P. coffea, associated with banana was conducted in 7 producing regions of the South-East of Côte d'Ivoire. The study was done on 699 square samplings. Each square sampling corresponds to 2 - 3 ha of banana, with 10 plants randomly chosen. The spatial distribution of these nematodes, showed that the cohabitation area previously limited to Ayame and Aboisso, extend to six new localities including the Moyen Comoe (Abengourou) the South Comoe (Bassam), the Agneby region (Agboville, Azaguié) and Lagoon regions (Tiassalé, Vallée du Niéky) which represent 50.2 % of Côte d'Ivoire banana plantations. In Bassam where P. coffeae was more abundant than R. similis, the longevity of the orchards did not exceed 4 years for 89 % of the plantations. In fact, the typology of banana orchards showed 67 % of young plants, which age varies between 1 to 3 years, and contrasts with those of 10 years representing only 2 %. This unbalance distribution that suggests a constant regeneration of the banana plantations is discussed. Keywords: Côte d'Ivoire, Bananiers dessert, Nématodes endoparasites migrateurs, Pratylenchus coffeae, Radopholus similis.Agronomie Africaine Vol. 20 (2) 2008: pp. 213-22

    A pilot study from The Gambia to improve access to water, energy, and mobile phones

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    Across Sub-Saharan Africa many communities lack reliable access to mains electricity, and therefore depend upon unconventional power sources to recharge their mobile phones. Many of these informal recharging centres are powered by a diesel generator or solar panel. Furthermore, many of these same communities are frequently served by broken water pumps. Previous reports indicate that many individuals are prepared to pay a small regular fee to recharge their mobile phone, whilst their local water point committee lacks sufficient funds to keep their water infrastructure maintained. This paper presents a novel funding strategy aimed at helping communities cover the maintenance costs of their local water supply. This premise was demonstrated using a pilot system in Gambia which combined a solar powered community water point with an off-grid smart battery rental hub for everyday electricity needs such as mobile phone charging. The paper presents preliminary field data from this site and explores the wider context surrounding the pilot system